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Sabtu, 26 Maret 2011

10 game paling menyeramkan hihi

No. 10 Call Of Duty : World of War-Zombie Verruckt

Scary moment: The anticipation right before they come for you and the boarded windows start breaking.

No.9 Condemned : Criminal Origin
Scary moment: Basically the whole damn game. Scanning corpses and tracking killers provides plenty of menacing moments

No.8 Bioshock
Scary moment: When you first meet a Big Daddy who brutally murders an insane Rapture citizen.

No.7 Dead Rising 
Scary moment: When a really annoying lady tries to save her equally annoying dog, and one of the endings where a helicopter pilot foolishly believes he’s safe.

No.6 Doom 3
Scary moment: The possession moment when your character looks in the bathroom mirror or the moment a zombie moans next to you in a pitch-black room.

No. 5 Silent Hill Homecoming
Scary moment: The return of Pyramid Head as the plot reveals secrets about Alex and his father.

No.4 F.E.A.R. 2 : Project Origin
Scary moment: When Alma is twisting and writhing while getting hers -- while you lie unable to move.

No.3 Left 4 Dead
Scary moment: When you hear the Witch weeping nearby and you have your light on, or the anticipation of calling for rescue, knowing “they’re coming to get you, Barbara!”

No.2 Resident Evil 4
Scary moment: Try the Bella Sisters, meeting El Lago up close or shooting a hissing and creeping Regenerator in vain.

No.1 Dead Space
Scary moment: Take your pick. The ghastly operating room scene, the first time you encounter a Necromorph or... the ending.

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